Best Basic Shooting Drills For Kids

Are you looking for the most effective and enjoyable shooting drills to help your kids improve their basketball skills? Look no further! In this article, you will discover the top basic shooting drills specifically designed for kids. These drills are not only fun and engaging but also essential in building a strong foundation in shooting techniques. Whether your kids are beginners or already have some experience, these drills are guaranteed to take their shooting abilities to the next level. So let’s get started and watch their confidence soar as they become better shooters!

1. Shooting Technique

When it comes to shooting, having the right technique is crucial. It can make all the difference between sinking that winning shot or missing the mark. Let’s dive into some important aspects of shooting technique that every young basketball player should focus on.

1.1. Hand Placement

The way you position your hands can greatly impact your shooting accuracy. Start by placing your dominant hand underneath the basketball, with your fingers spread comfortably and the ball resting on the pads of your fingers. Your non-dominant hand should be placed on the side of the ball for support and stability.

1.2. Footwork

Proper footwork is essential for a solid shooting form. Start by positioning your feet shoulder-width apart, with your shooting foot slightly ahead of the other. Your toes should be pointed towards the basket. As you prepare to shoot, bend your knees slightly and make sure your body is aligned with the basket.

1.3. Balance and Body Position

Maintaining good balance and body position is key to shooting consistently. Keep your body square to the basket and your shoulders aligned. Avoid leaning or twisting your upper body as you shoot. It’s important to stay balanced throughout the entire shooting motion, from the moment you start your shot until the ball leaves your hand.

2. Shooting Form Drills

Practicing shooting drills can help improve your shooting form and build muscle memory. Here are some effective shooting form drills for kids to try:

2.1. BEEF Technique Drill

The BEEF technique drill focuses on the key principles of shooting: balance, eyes on the target, elbow in, and follow-through. Start by standing at a comfortable shooting distance from the basket. Practice shooting while paying close attention to each component of the BEEF technique. This drill will help reinforce proper shooting form and develop consistency.

2.2. Chair Shooting Drill

The chair shooting drill is a great way to work on shooting form and footwork. Set up a chair or cone a few feet away from the basket. Start by dribbling towards the chair, perform a quick move to simulate a defender, and shoot the ball. This drill will help simulate game-like situations and improve shooting under pressure.

2.3. One-Handed Shooting Drill

The one-handed shooting drill is a fantastic drill for developing shooting accuracy and touch. Start by shooting the ball using only your dominant hand, focusing on a smooth release and follow-through. This drill will help improve hand-eye coordination and build confidence in shooting with one hand.

Best Basic Shooting Drills For Kids

3. Shooting Accuracy Drills

Shooting accuracy is essential for success on the court. Let’s explore some drills that can help enhance your shooting accuracy:

3.1. Target Practice Drill

Setting up targets on the backboard or around the rim can be a fun way to improve shooting accuracy. Start by placing small stickers or tape at different spots on the backboard or rim. Begin shooting from various positions on the court, aiming to hit the targets. This drill will help improve your aim and precision.

3.2. Spot Shooting Drill

The spot shooting drill focuses on shooting from specific spots on the court. Start by marking different shooting positions on the floor, such as the corners, wings, and top of the key. Begin shooting from these spots and aim to hit a certain number of shots before moving on to the next spot. This drill will help build shooting consistency and accuracy from various positions.

3.3. Shooting with a Partner Drill

Partner drills can be both challenging and fun. Find a shooting partner and take turns passing the ball to each other for shooting opportunities. Focus on shooting in rhythm and catching the ball in shooting position. This drill will help simulate game situations and improve shooting accuracy under pressure.

4. Shooting Speed Drills

Being able to shoot quickly and accurately can give you an edge on the court. Here are some shooting speed drills to help enhance your shooting speed:

4.1. Rapid Fire Shooting Drill

The rapid fire shooting drill is all about shooting quickly and efficiently. Start by standing near the basket with a ball. Begin shooting as quickly as possible, grabbing the rebound and shooting again without hesitation. This drill will help improve your shooting speed and reaction time.

4.2. Shooting Under Pressure Drill

The shooting under pressure drill will simulate game-like situations where you need to shoot with defenders closing in. Set up cones or chairs around you, creating a tight space to shoot from. Practice shooting quickly and accurately while moving around the obstacles. This drill will help improve shooting speed and accuracy under pressure.

4.3. Speed Layup Drill

The speed layup drill is a great way to improve shooting speed and finishing at the rim. Start by dribbling from the three-point line towards the basket, attempting a layup as quickly as possible. Repeat this drill, focusing on shooting with speed and accuracy. This drill will help improve your ability to shoot quickly in transition situations.

Best Basic Shooting Drills For Kids

5. Shooting off the Dribble Drills

Being able to shoot off the dribble is a valuable skill for any basketball player. Let’s explore some drills that can help you improve shooting off the dribble:

5.1. Pull-up Jump Shot Drill

The pull-up jump shot drill focuses on shooting off the dribble and stopping quickly for a jump shot. Start by dribbling towards the basket and abruptly stop, rising into a jump shot. Repeat this drill from various positions on the court, working on shooting off the dribble with speed and accuracy.

5.2. Dribble and Shoot Drill

The dribble and shoot drill is designed to improve shooting consistency while on the move. Start by dribbling towards the basket, taking a few dribbles before rising into a jump shot. Repeat this drill from different angles and distances, focusing on shooting with accuracy and fluidity.

5.3. Change of Direction Shooting Drill

The change of direction shooting drill will help you develop the ability to shoot after changing direction quickly. Start by dribbling towards the basket, then perform a quick change of direction before shooting. Repeat this drill from different starting points, working on shooting accuracy while executing quick changes of direction.

6. Shooting off Screens Drills

Using screens effectively can create open shooting opportunities. Let’s explore some drills that can help you improve shooting off screens:

6.1. Curl and Shoot Drill

The curl and shoot drill focuses on shooting after curling around a screen. Start by simulating a screen using a chair or cone. Dribble towards the screen, curl around it, and shoot a jump shot. Repeat this drill from different positions on the court, working on shooting accuracy after using screens.

6.2. Fade and Shoot Drill

The fade and shoot drill is designed to improve shooting accuracy after fading away from a screen. Start by simulating a screen using a chair or cone. Dribble towards the screen, fade away from it, and shoot a jump shot. Repeat this drill from different positions on the court, focusing on shooting with accuracy while fading away.

6.3. V-Cut and Shoot Drill

The V-cut and shoot drill will help develop your ability to shoot after making a sharp V-cut around a screen. Begin by simulating a screen using a chair or cone. Make a quick V-cut around the screen and receive a pass before shooting. Repeat this drill from different positions, focusing on shooting accuracy while executing V-cuts.

Best Basic Shooting Drills For Kids

7. Shooting Range Drills

Being able to shoot from various distances is essential in basketball. Let’s explore some drills that can help you improve your shooting range:

7.1. Three-Point Shooting Drill

The three-point shooting drill is designed to improve your shooting accuracy from beyond the arc. Start by shooting from the three-point line, focusing on proper technique and shooting form. Repeat this drill from various spots around the arc, aiming to increase your shooting percentage from long range.

7.2. Mid-Range Shooting Drill

The mid-range shooting drill will help improve your accuracy from mid-range distances. Start by shooting from designated spots around the key or elbow area. Focus on shooting with proper technique and repetition. Repeat this drill from various positions, aiming to become consistently accurate from mid-range.

7.3. Free Throw Shooting Drill

The free throw shooting drill is an essential drill for improving shooting accuracy from the charity stripe. Start by shooting a series of free throws, focusing on proper technique and repetition. Keep track of your percentage and aim to improve over time. This drill will help build consistency and accuracy from the free-throw line.

8. Shooting Game Situations Drills

Being able to perform under pressure in game situations is crucial. Let’s explore some drills that can help you improve your shooting in game-like scenarios:

8.1. Game-Winning Shot Drill

The game-winning shot drill will help you practice shooting under pressure. Start by simulating a game-winning scenario, with a certain amount of time on the clock. Take the ball and create your own shot opportunity, focusing on shooting with confidence and accuracy. This drill will help improve your ability to perform in clutch moments.

8.2. Transition Shooting Drill

The transition shooting drill focuses on shooting quickly in fast break situations. Start by running towards the basket, either after a steal or a defensive rebound. Receive a pass in stride and shoot while in motion. Repeat this drill, focusing on shooting with speed and accuracy in transition.

8.3. Closeout Shooting Drill

The closeout shooting drill will help you practice shooting when a defender is closing out on you. Start by standing at a shooting position while a coach or teammate simulates a closeout by sprinting towards you. Practice shooting quickly and accurately while under pressure from the closeout. This drill will help improve your ability to shoot effectively with a defender rushing towards you.

9. Shooting Competition Drills

Competing against others in shooting drills can help add excitement and motivation to your training. Let’s explore some shooting competition drills:

9.1. Knockout Shooting Game

The knockout shooting game is a fun and competitive drill that involves multiple players. Start by lining up in a row at a shooting point. The first player shoots, and if they make the shot, they move to the back of the line. If they miss, the next player in line shoots. The goal is to make consecutive shots and eliminate your opponents. The last player remaining is the winner.

9.2. Hot Hand Shooting Challenge

The hot hand shooting challenge is a great way to test your shooting accuracy under pressure. Start by shooting from different spots on the court, with each spot having a designated number of shots. Keep track of your made shots and aim for a certain percentage. This drill can be done individually or with a group, challenging each other to see who has the hottest hand.

9.3. Shooting Relay Race

The shooting relay race is a fun and competitive drill that can be done with a team or group of friends. Divide into teams and set up shooting stations at various points on the court. Each player takes turns shooting from a designated spot and must make the shot before the next player can shoot. The team that finishes the relay race first wins the competition.

10. Shooting Mental Focus Drills

Developing mental focus is crucial for shooting success. Let’s explore some drills that can help improve your mental focus:

10.1. Visualization and Imagery Drill

The visualization and imagery drill involves mentally visualizing successful shooting scenarios. Before shooting, close your eyes and imagine yourself making the perfect shot. Visualize the ball going through the net, the sound of the swish, and the feeling of success. This drill will help improve your mental focus and confidence in shooting.

10.2. Concentration Shooting Drill

The concentration shooting drill challenges your mental focus by introducing distractions. Have a teammate or coach stand near you, making noise or trying to distract you while you shoot. Practice shooting with concentration and block out any external distractions. This drill will help improve your mental focus and ability to shoot under pressure.

10.3. Pressure Situations Shooting Drill

The pressure situations shooting drill involves creating high-pressure scenarios to test your mental focus. Set a certain score or time limit and challenge yourself to make a certain number of shots within that pressure-filled situation. This drill will help improve your mental toughness and ability to perform in crucial moments.

In conclusion, developing solid shooting technique and proficiency is a key aspect of becoming a successful basketball player. By practicing a variety of shooting drills that focus on technique, accuracy, speed, off the dribble, off screens, shooting range, game situations, competition, and mental focus, young basketball players can hone their skills and become reliable shooters on the court. Remember to stay consistent, work on each aspect of shooting, and have fun while improving your shooting abilities. Keep practicing and never stop trying to become the best shooter you can be!